Our organization does not warrant that all the careersgen website functionalities will be error-free, or our servers are free from viruses. We however undertake stringent mechanisms in order for smooth functioning of our website and servers from other malware, spam ware or notable viruses. However, if by any chance our website is unable to function due to any technical difficulties or there is virus being affected in our servers, then we should not be held responsible. Our team will try to fix the technical problem as soon as possible, but in the meantime we will not be held responsible for whatever the reason might be. Careersgen along with its suppliers, third-party sites will not be responsible for any damages, whether
it may be related to data, money, content, security, images, information or any other sort. In short, we will not be held responsible for any damages.
Careersgen does not accept any responsibility and disclaims the liability for any communication through sms, phone or any other source which comes from an unreliable entity. Jobseekers and Employers are henceforth advised not to associate with such fraudulent
companies or else you yourself have to bear the unforeseen consequences. Careersgen will not be held responsible.